Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Chapter 3

At lunch my sister rub Walter face into the dirt for getting her in trouble in school. But I intervenes into the fight and invited Walter to dinner with us. My father and Walter was talking about farms conditions and Walter put molasses all over his to scare Scout. My sister criticzes Walter and Calpurnia calls my sister into the kitchen. She slap and fuse at Scout and told her to be more nice. Back at school, my sister's teacher screams cause she saw a little bug crawling out a boy hair named Burris Ewell. At home, my father follows Scout and ask her is she alright, but she said she is not feeling good at all. She said that she don't want to go school and ask him can he teach her. My father said no cause the law requires for her to go to school, but he will keep reading her books.

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