Friday, February 5, 2010

Chapter 31

Scout took Boo Radley upstairs to say goodnight to Jem. Then Scout walked Boo Radley home and he close the door and never seen Boo Radley ever again. She imagine the world perspective. My sister had returned home from talking Boo Radley home. Atticus had read one of my books to her until she had fell asleep.

Chapter 30

Scout took Boo Radley to the porch, and sitting in the shadows listening to sheriff and Atticus aruging. Sheriff wanted to call it a accidently death, but Atticus said that Jem had killed Bob Ewells. But sheriff had already know that Boo Radley had killed him. He just think that he need to not tell so the other people will not know that Boo Radley killed Bob Ewell and he was out of his home. He said that Tom Robinson had died for no reason and a dead man bury a dead man.

Chapter 29

Scout tells everyone what had happen, and what she heard. The sheriff shows her where a knife slashed was stop by the wire. When Scout got to the point where a man was picking and carrying Jem. She said she got a great good look at him, and she saw torn clothes and a tin face. She know it was a pale, and that when she realized that it was Boo Radley who was carrying Jem.

Chapter 28

It was dark on the way to school and Cecil Jacobs jumped out and scaried us. Scout fell asleep and miss her turn to go on stage, and she went on stage people was laughing. The women who on charge said she ruin everthing. Scout and I waited backstage. On the walk home I heard moving behing Scout and me. Suddenly people was running out of the bushes and I scream Scout to run u til she fell. I was struggling until I broke lose and drag Scout away. I was attacked and black out.

Chapter 27

Meanwhile, the trial report still continues. The fear of Boo had been fading away from Scout and I. I still remain affected about the trial. Scout still have faith in goodness of the people, and thu she get so many times confuse from her teacher. When Scout try to tell me about Miss Gates I shut myself down and try to forget the trial. Bob still is acting crazy about the trial, and also the trial have changed me.

Chapter 26

School starts again, and Scout and I still pass by Boo Radley home. One day in school, Scout third grade teacher was teaching about Hitler killing the Jews. She ask me why she can teach about Hitler, but couldn't testify about the trial. I became furious and told her not to talk to me about the trial agian. She became upset and went to Atticus for comfort. In October, Bob had got a job, but he loss the job in a few days. He blamed Atticus, and on halloween the school threw a party. Aunt Alexandra and Atticus was to tired so I had to take Scout to the school.

Chapter 25

September has begun, and Scout an I was sitting on the porch again. A bug was coming onto the porch, and Scout was about to mash it. But I told her not to, and she ask me why i should not mash i told her it did nothing to you. Dill told Scout that me and him ran right into Atticus from the swimming pool. Everyone started to say that a black person was the only one who try to escape from jail. It was all over the news, and Mr. Underwood had wrote a long story about Tom's death when he was killed as a innocent man.

Chapter 24

In August, Aunt Alexandra invite the missionary circle for tea. Scout had to wear a dress. Calpurnia brought the tea into the room where the people was are. Ten suddenly, Atticus calls Alexandra, Calpurnia, and Scout into the other room. He said that Tom Robison had a chance to escape, but he was shot seventeen times. Then Atticus went to the Robinson's house to tell them the death of Tom Robinson.

Chapter 23

Bob Ewells had a revengefulness on him. Atticus told Scout and I that such he made him look like a fool he will try to get revenge from him. Now such Bob got that revenge out of his system Atticus said there no need to worry. But Aunt Alexandra and us was still so worried. Tom Robinson have to go seventy miles to another jail, and Atticus believed that his client will be pardon.

Chapter 22

That night, I cried and was feeling so sad about the verdict. One day, Miss Stephanie question us about the trail, but Miss Maudie called us in for some cake. I complained saying that I thought my people was great, but what had happened about the trail I don't that anymore. When we left out of the house, Miss Stephanie ran over and told us that Boo Radley accost Atticus. Boo Radley spat him across his face, and swore that he shall have his revenge.

Chapter 21

Calpurnia hands Atticus note saying Scout, Dill, and I have not been at home. Mr. Underwood told them that they is in the balcony with the colored people people. Atticus told them to go home and eat supper. We beg to stayed, but he said we can come back when we finished. We cam back waiting for the jury, and I felt a victory in the trail while Dill fell alseep. They came out, and they said that Tom was guilty. Everybody cleared, and Atticus goes out of the room. The colored stand up respectful and left quietly out the room.

Chapter 20

Mr. Raymond reveals what he was drinking, and he ask Dill do he want some. Scout told him to not drink alot of that, and then Dill told him that it was just Coca-Cola. Dill and Scout returned into the courthouse, and Atticus was just not finishing his closing testimony. He explained how the physical evidence is not true, and how Tom could put a bruise on her right side face. She had said that Tom rape her cause she was caught with him, and was been searching for a black man. Then Capurnia had appeared in the courthouse.

Chapter 19

Tom went up there to testify, and he said that on his way to work he pass the Ewell's house. Mayella told him to fix the door, but theres nothing wrong with the door. She got him to get a bow down, and he got on top of a chair she was scaring he got down. She hugged him around his wraist, and she was caught by his father. He called her a bad word and promise to kill her. Mr. Gilmer testified that every thing that he said was a lie. Dill began to cry and Scout took him outside. Dill begens to complain that Mr. Gilmer was being rude about Tom testify. They encounter with Mr. Dolphus.

Chapter 18

The trial continues, now Mayella had to testify. Atticus had listen closely to her testimony, and he said how Tom could have put a bruise on the right side of her face, and his left arm had been caught in the cotton grid. Atticus said that Bob had beat her daughter up, and she started to scream that the courthouse is cowards. Mayella started to cry and would not answer any more questions. Mr. Underwood notice that children was on the balcony, and then I told Scout that the newspaper editor will get us in a shot. Might have us in the article about the trial.

Chapter 17

On the trial, question had been ask. Then Bob Ewell said that he was coming out the woods and heard his daughter scream. He ran to his house, and he look in the window saw Tom raping her. Tom ran away, then Bob came into the house and seen she was ok. He ran to the sheriff house to tell him what happen. Atticus ask him that why the doctor wasn't called. He said that it was expensive that was no need. The witness had to sign some papers and saw that Bob was left handed. They thought that only a left handed person can only put a bruise on a right side of a person face.

Chapter 16

The trial begens the next day, everybody from the country had come to see. But only Miss Maudie didn't show up for it, and she said it just watching somebody for his life like is like attending Roman Carnival. Scout, Dill, and I wait for the people to come in to sit down so we can sneak in the back door so we will not get caught by Atticus. We left to late to get the sits, but we only could sit in the area where black people suppose to sit on the balcony. We could see the judge and all the people who was in there.

Chapter 15

A week later of Dill arriving, Tom Robinson had to the Maycomb's jail. I told Scout that Aunt ALexandra and Atticus was arguing, and brought a despite on this family. One day, Atticus went into town, and I accompanie Scout and Dill. We followed dad to the jail house,and a car pulled and men got out. Scout began to ran over their cause she know them and Dill and I followed. Atticus told me to go home, but I refused to. Scout I saw one of her classmate father, it was Walker's father.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Chapter 14

The trial of Tom Robinson and Atticus defense lawyer made people in town to stared at them when they walk into town. I lectured Scout not to anatagonize Alexandra. So she got tired os me lecture her so she jump on top of me. Then dad came in and broke up the fight and sent us to bed. Then Scout discovered something under her bed, and told me to come look. We had discovered Dill hiding undering her bed,and he said he ran away. They was not showing him enough attention, so he had ran away. We went to tell dad and told Scout to get that pan of bread for Dill. I feel really sorroy for Dill.

Chapter 13

Aunt Alexandra told us that she should stay with us for alwhile to give them a feminine influence. Our town welcome in a fine way, and the various ladies brought her baked cake and invited her over for coffee. She was proud of us, Finches. Scout and I think that Aunt Alexandra considered of claiming to be a Finches. She had ordered Atticus to lecture them on sujeccts of their wonderful ancestry. I feel that she don't claim us, Finches.

Chapter 12

I was twelve years old, and started to tell her to act more like a girl. She ran and got very upset, and she was looking forward for Dill to come. He wrote a letter saying that his mother got remarried and will be staying with her. The state legislature called him into session, forcing him to go to the capital every two weeks. So Calpurnia decided to take us to her church, it was run down and it was called First Purchases. It was for freed clor people, and it was bought first earning. I told her to stop pestering me and i got very angry.

Chapter 11

On the way the business district to see a old lady named Mrs. Dubose. That the lady who always shout at Scout and I when we pass by. My dad told me to be gentleman cause she is sick and old. One day she told us that our daddy is not better than those niggers and trash that he works for. I got so mad that my temper went up and I grab a baton from Scout, and I destroy her bushes.

Chapter 10

One day a mad dog was walking down the mil street pasting my house. Calpurnia called Atticus with the sheriff with him, and the sheriff carries a rifle with him. He told to shot that dog, and Scout and I was eager to see. So on his first shot he shot the dog. Miss Maudie told us that our father was the famous one shot shooter. They called hin one-shot- Finch, but Scout was ready to brag and tell about but I told her not to. If he want them to know about that he would have tell him.

chapter 9

Yeah Uncle Jack is comming to town. When he arrives in the town, Scout begins to start cursing for no reason. When dinner was over Jack told Scout to sit on his lap. He told her if she cuss in his prensence again will be her last time. One day Francis tells Scout that Atticus is a nigga-lover and she got mad and beat him up. He ran and told on her, Then she told Jack what Francis have said and he become furious. He promise her that he will noit tell Atticus what Francis what had said, and Scout heard what they was talking about Tom. How he was inncent, but know that the people will vote him guilty.

Chapter 8

One night my dad woke up Scout and helped her put her bathrobe on. Miss Maudie's house was on fire, and the neighbors help her get furniture out of the house. The fire trucks put out the fire before it spreads to any other houses. Then someone behind out a blanket around her,but then my dad ask her who put it on her and she didn't know. I realize that it was Boo Radley who put it over her. Then I explain the knot hole and the present in it. My father said keep it to ourselves and don't tell nobody, and then Scout realized that Boo was behind her.

Chapter 7

I told Scout that when I went back to get my pants it was neatly fold on top of the fence. We was on our way home and we saw a gray twine. We left it in the knot for few days and it wasn't not taking. So we claimed it was our, and my sister was mad about school and I told her it will even all out late in the school year. One other day we found a figure of us in the knot it was made out of a bar soap. Then we was suspecting something wrong, and the next day it was covered with cement. So we went to ask Mr. Nathen Radley about it, and he told it u made it cause the tree was dying.

Chapter 6

Dill and I obeyed my father, but it was his last day to stay so he plan to sneak and look in one of Boo's loose shutters. We creep and we saw a man with a hat and a flee on. Then we heard a shotgon go off right behinds us, and we all got scaried. Then we ran to the schoolyard, and my pants got caught I to take them off. When we got home my dad, Miss Maudie, and Miss Stephanie was at our house. They told my dad that Mr. Nathan have a gun and go shot if he hears any more noises. Then my father ask where my pants are and My friend, Dill told him that he won it into a bet.

Chapter 5

Dill and I grew closer to friends and my sister feel left out. I am so happy that we are so good friends. Dill and I plan to write a note inviting Boo Radley for some ice cream. We tried to stick the sticky note on his widow, but my father catches us trying to put it on the window. He told us to stop messing with that man and stop playing that Boo Radley game.

Chapter 4

My sister was coming home from school one day. She told me she found two pieces of chewed up gum and had it in her mouth.I told her to spit it out. My friend Dill returned back and started to play our games again. We was rollong pennies and my sister roll her right in front of Radley stpes. Dill and I panic and then I got another game that we could play and it was called Boo Radley. My father caught us playing it and ask us was the game we playing was about Boo Radley. I lied and he went back into the house, and we wonder was it safe to play it again.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Chapter 3

At lunch my sister rub Walter face into the dirt for getting her in trouble in school. But I intervenes into the fight and invited Walter to dinner with us. My father and Walter was talking about farms conditions and Walter put molasses all over his to scare Scout. My sister criticzes Walter and Calpurnia calls my sister into the kitchen. She slap and fuse at Scout and told her to be more nice. Back at school, my sister's teacher screams cause she saw a little bug crawling out a boy hair named Burris Ewell. At home, my father follows Scout and ask her is she alright, but she said she is not feeling good at all. She said that she don't want to go school and ask him can he teach her. My father said no cause the law requires for her to go to school, but he will keep reading her books.

Chapter 2

At recess, my sister complain to me about her teacher told her. I told her that its just a new method of teaching that she is doing. In my sister class a boy named Walter didn't bring any lunch to school to school. Miss Caroline told him that he can pay her tomorrow, but he cannot pay her back because his family is so poor. His parents had to pay him in other material like: nuts, turnip greens, and other goods. When my sister, Scout try to explain the circumstances her teacher didn't understand at all. So she grow frusrtaed and slap my sister across the hand with the ruler. Scout grow very sad for Walter that he could not eat lunch and have no money.

Chapter 1

In the summer of 1933, when I was nearly ten and my sister, Scout is six a boy named Charles Baker Harris had moved next door. He calls himself Dill comes ever summer to stay with his aunt Miss Rachel Haverford. He had a father, but he does not want to discuss his absene in his life. I like Dill cause he is talktive and extremely intelligent boy who is our chief playmate. He attempt to lure Boo Radley out his house. I have a emotion of about when my mother when she had died when Scout was a little girl.


I chose Jem cause he is Scout brother, and he is four years older than her. He is also a playmate, and he is like a typical American boy. He don't like to refuse from dares and playing football. He separates himself from her games, but stays close by like a protector to her. His evil is taking over for what had happen to Tom Robinson. He also had a very touch with his mother, but it breaks him when he evers thing about his mother death.