Friday, February 5, 2010

Chapter 31

Scout took Boo Radley upstairs to say goodnight to Jem. Then Scout walked Boo Radley home and he close the door and never seen Boo Radley ever again. She imagine the world perspective. My sister had returned home from talking Boo Radley home. Atticus had read one of my books to her until she had fell asleep.

Chapter 30

Scout took Boo Radley to the porch, and sitting in the shadows listening to sheriff and Atticus aruging. Sheriff wanted to call it a accidently death, but Atticus said that Jem had killed Bob Ewells. But sheriff had already know that Boo Radley had killed him. He just think that he need to not tell so the other people will not know that Boo Radley killed Bob Ewell and he was out of his home. He said that Tom Robinson had died for no reason and a dead man bury a dead man.

Chapter 29

Scout tells everyone what had happen, and what she heard. The sheriff shows her where a knife slashed was stop by the wire. When Scout got to the point where a man was picking and carrying Jem. She said she got a great good look at him, and she saw torn clothes and a tin face. She know it was a pale, and that when she realized that it was Boo Radley who was carrying Jem.

Chapter 28

It was dark on the way to school and Cecil Jacobs jumped out and scaried us. Scout fell asleep and miss her turn to go on stage, and she went on stage people was laughing. The women who on charge said she ruin everthing. Scout and I waited backstage. On the walk home I heard moving behing Scout and me. Suddenly people was running out of the bushes and I scream Scout to run u til she fell. I was struggling until I broke lose and drag Scout away. I was attacked and black out.

Chapter 27

Meanwhile, the trial report still continues. The fear of Boo had been fading away from Scout and I. I still remain affected about the trial. Scout still have faith in goodness of the people, and thu she get so many times confuse from her teacher. When Scout try to tell me about Miss Gates I shut myself down and try to forget the trial. Bob still is acting crazy about the trial, and also the trial have changed me.

Chapter 26

School starts again, and Scout and I still pass by Boo Radley home. One day in school, Scout third grade teacher was teaching about Hitler killing the Jews. She ask me why she can teach about Hitler, but couldn't testify about the trial. I became furious and told her not to talk to me about the trial agian. She became upset and went to Atticus for comfort. In October, Bob had got a job, but he loss the job in a few days. He blamed Atticus, and on halloween the school threw a party. Aunt Alexandra and Atticus was to tired so I had to take Scout to the school.

Chapter 25

September has begun, and Scout an I was sitting on the porch again. A bug was coming onto the porch, and Scout was about to mash it. But I told her not to, and she ask me why i should not mash i told her it did nothing to you. Dill told Scout that me and him ran right into Atticus from the swimming pool. Everyone started to say that a black person was the only one who try to escape from jail. It was all over the news, and Mr. Underwood had wrote a long story about Tom's death when he was killed as a innocent man.